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Terms Of Service (T.O.S)

At Openair, we believe in promoting a safe, positive, and inclusive social environment for all of our users. To ensure this, we have established Terms and Conditions that govern the use of our platform. These policies are designed to protect our users, prevent abuse, and encourage responsible social participation. Please read them carefully, and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Basic T.O.S


No Slurs

At Openair, we have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and derogatory language. Using slurs against any individual or group is not only hurtful and offensive, but also has serious consequences.

No Online E-sex

At Openair, we take online safety very seriously and have a strict policy against any form of  Strong sexual content. (Including: child porn, gore porn, etc)  Our online community is a friendly and safe space for everyone to connect and engage in positive conversations and activities.

No asking real life info about each other

At Openair, we prioritize the safety and security of our users. Therefore, we have a strict policy against asking for or sharing any real life personal information about each other. This includes but is not limited to full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or any other identifying information. We believe that our platform is a great place to connect and interact without the need for personal information.

Child Endangermen

  • Any predatory behavior, including attempting to befriend a minor in order to manipulate and exploit them (i.e., grooming)

  • Sexualizing minors in any way

  • Engaging in sexual conversation with or soliciting sexual material from minors

  • Sharing, requesting, or discussing child sexual exploitation material

More T.O.S

Terrorism and Violent Extremism

OpenAir has a zero tolerance policy for content or behavior that incites, condones, supports, glorifies, or promotes any terrorist or extremist organization or individual (foreign or domestic), and their ideology, or actions, including:

  • Depictions of or support for terrorist or extremist attacks

  • Depictions of or support for the leaders or representatives of terrorist or extremist organizations

  • Sharing the slogans, images, flags, manifestos, or icons of terrorist or extremist organizations, either in whole or in readily identifiable part

  • References to the ideologies, messages, or strategies of terrorist and extremist organizations

  • Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying terrorist extremist ideologies or actions

  • Recruiting membership for a terrorist or extremist organization, or encouraging others to leave Roblox to find such information

  • Fundraising for terrorist or extremist organizations, people, or supporting groups

  • Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying mass shootings and other acts of domestic terrorism or violent extremism

Threats, Bullying, and Harassment

Threatening others with real-world or online harm, inciting violence against people or property, bullying, stalking, trolling, harassment, intimidation, extortion, and blackmail are not permitted on Roblox. We also do not allow any content that depicts, glorifies, or promotes such behavior, including:

  • Threatening physical or sexual assault or violence

  • Threatening to harm someone in real life

  • Revealing or threatening to reveal others’ personal information

  • Threatening to take over another’s Roblox account or to file false abuse reports against another user

  • Singling out a user or group for ridicule or abuse, either publicly or privately

  • Sexual harassment

  • Impersonating individuals, groups, or entities, in ways that may damage their reputation or cause others to harm them, either online or in real life

Suicide, Self Injury, and Harmful Behavior

At OpenAir, we take our users’ well-being very seriously. We’re here to help provide resources for those struggling with mental health, and we reserve the right to communicate with authorities regarding credible threats of self-harm. We don’t allow content or behavior that depicts, glorifies, or encourages suicide, self-injury, or real-world activities that may create an extreme risk of physical harm including:

  • Describing methods for suicide or self-harm

  • Content that glorifies, supports, or depicts instances or methods of suicide or self-harm

  • Dangerous physical challenges or stunts in the real world


Discrimination, Slurs, and Hate Speech

OpenAir honors and welcomes users of all ages, backgrounds, and identities. We don't allow content or behavior that supports, glorifies, or promotes hate groups, their ideologies, or actions. You also may not discriminate, mock, or promote hatred against individuals or groups, or encourage others to do so directly or indirectly, on the basis of their:

  • Age

  • Race, perceived race, or ethnicity

  • National origin

  • Sexual orientation

  • Gender, gender identity, or gender expression

  • Religion or religious affiliation or beliefs

  • Disability status including diseases, bodily conditions, disfigurement, mobility issues, and mental impairment

  • Physical or mental disability status

  • Veteran status

  • Caste

  • Familial status

Harmful Off-Platform Speech or Behavior

People treat everyone with respect, both on and off of OpenAir. If credibly reported to us, we may take action against users who, among other things:

  • Are associated with organized crime, terrorist or extremist organizations, or hate groups

  • Harass, bully, discriminate, or harm others outside of Roblox

  • Share others’ personal information off-platform, including making false reports to authorities

  • Have been convicted of certain egregious crimes, engage in certain illegal activities, or encourage others to do so

Real-World Sensitive Events

Although some Posts On OpenAir may include weapons and violence, we don’t allow content that contains extreme violence or serious physical or psychological abuse, including:

  • Animal abuse and torture

  • Realistic or real-world depictions of extreme gore, graphic violence, or death

How Much T.O.S?

Romantic and Sexual Content (IGNORE IF YOU ARE OVER 13-17)

OpenAir is a safe space for meeting online friends, chatting, and collaborating on creative projects, but we prohibit content that depicts sexual activity or seeks real world romantic relationships, including:

  • Romantic or flirtatious gestures or communication between users in a romantic context

  • Pursuing or soliciting romantic relationships online

  • Engaging in unwanted flirtatious behavior

  • Engaging in sexually explicit conversations or soliciting sexual material from other Robloxians

  • Content that depicts, strongly suggests, or explicitly describes sexual acts

  • Nudity

  • Sexually suggestive avatar bodies and clothing items

Illegal and Regulated Goods and Activities

We do not allow users to discuss or engage in illegal activities or encourage others to do so on OpenAir. We also prohibit the discussion, depiction, or promotion of some illegal and regulated goods or activities. This includes:

  • Controlled substances such pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, as well as as alcohol, tobacco, vaping, and their associated paraphernalia

  • Dietary supplements and enhancers such as weight loss pills and steroids

  • Depictions of intoxicated behavior associated with consuming alcohol or drugs

  • Purveyors of illegal and regulated substances

  • Bomb/explosive and weapon-making instructions or schematics in the real world

  • Realistic modern firearms outside of in-experience items

  • On-platform contests where Robux or anything else of value is offered as a prize

  • Sweepstakes-style games


To keep OpenAir safe and civil for everyone, we don’t allow swearing in any language text, images, or uploaded audio, including:

  • Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade detection of profanity

  • Quoting or using audio containing profane lyrics

This is more T.O.S

Political Content (i put this here since politics are annoying

We value friendly debate about issues and topics that matter to OpenAir. However, to maintain a civil and respectful environment, we  Kindaprohibit the discussion or depiction of certain political content, including:

  • Current candidates running for public office, including their slogans, campaign material, rallies, or events

  • Political parties, including official party-affiliated organizations

  • Specific races for elected office

  • Sitting real-world elected officials

  • Recent, previously-elected, officials in their official capacity

  • Individuals who have previously run for political office in their capacity as candidate

  • Desecration of political entity symbols, including flag burning

  • Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships

Cheating and Scams

We don’t permit users to deploy or discuss deceptive schemes or methods of cheating on our platform, including:

  • Using exploits to gain an unfair advantage anywhere on the platform

  • Sharing exploits with others or encouraging others to cheat

  • Selling items with misleading or inaccurate descriptions

  • Misrepresenting your real or virtual world identity in an effort to mislead others

  • Attempting to access another user’s account without their authorization

  • Posting misleading links for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to others’ accounts or information, either on Roblox or elsewhere (i.e., phishing)


OpenAir prohibits disrupting or misleading others on the platform. This includes:

  • Deceptive, sensational, or otherwise misleading content or metadata used to inappropriately drive discoverability or engagement

  • Repetitive messaging to other users or uploads to Roblox systems

  • Creating experiences solely to direct users off Roblox


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